Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Definitions
  • Ballr, referred to as (“BallrTM ”). Our processing platform is referred to as the Platform, ('Platform') and is a cloud-based software platform, functioning in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory terms and rules of the United States of America. Our Platform allows a user to convertfiatfrom financial institutions into Bitcoin and several other Bitcoin currencies. The source of funds must be in your name, and owned by you only.
  • BallrTM (“User”) is a person of age 18 years and older, who registered in the Platform, agreed to the Platform’s terms and conditions, and confirmed their email-address by receiving and returning the confirmation link (acquired via email message during the registration) and provided required identity verification as requested.
  • A Payment is an instruction placed in the Platform by the User, which indicates their will to perform the deposit transaction under the conditions, with the currencies, amounts and Bitcoin wallet destination, plus the transaction fee specified in the Bitcoin exchange for the user prior to execution by the Platform.
  • The BallrTM Platform provides all its Users with equal rights and opportunities to use the Platform’s functionality, regardless of the user’s interface, according to account Tier level determined by Know Your Customer (KYC) provided to BallrTM.
  • The BallrTM Platform does not guarantee the equal quality of connection provided by different Internet service or mobile providers, and is not liable for any costs or damages inferred by poor or inconsistent connection.
User’s Account Termination
  • In the event a User violates BallrTM terms and conditions or uses their rights to harm, break the law, or put at risk uninterrupted work of Platform, the User’s account will be automatically and irrevocably terminated.
Transfer Information
  • Transfers are calculated by the Platform using the electronic Bitcoin currency (money) Bitcoin. We currently only support Bitcoin. In the event we add other Bitcoin currencies, we will notify you via the Platform. The value you will receive will be the exchange value on the date of the transfer, and receipt of the Bitcoin.
  • To secure the financial fulfillment of the processed payment, the User receives their Bitcoin into the Bitcoin wallet provided and stored in the Ballrapplication at the time their payment enters into the Ballr payment processing engine. The Bitcoin conversion amount willbe equal to the full value of the processed payment less applicable fees. The transaction fees will be deducted from the final value of the Bitcoin received by “User”.
How We Charge Transaction Fees
  • Transaction Fees are calculated and deducted in the base currency of your payment.
  • Transaction fees are based on two components, one flat $2 transaction fee plus a payment conversion fee will be a percent of the value of the Bitcoin value processed. As of 1st September, 2021 this transaction fee is 2% of the fiat value received for payment processing.
  • Transaction fees will be indicated in the User’s interface of the Platform. Agreeing to these terms and conditions means you have been notified of the amount of transaction fees due and agree that it will be deducted from the amount being loaded to your Bitcoin wallet.
Loading your Bitcoin Wallet
  • Any payment conversion may be held from 24 hours to 3 business days, at most, if needed to allow fiat funds to clear from “User’s” financial institution.
Trading Operations and Transfer Completion
  • The Platform registers the User’s Transfer, and provides automatic completion consistent with the Terms and Conditions set forth by BallrTM, and provided via the Platform.
  • Trading operations are performed in batch processes and based on Transfers placed by different Users.
  • User can not cancel their Transfer once placed in the Platform.
  • Placed Transfers are pending until they are funded in Bitcoin by the Ballr payment processing engine.
  • When placing the Transfer, the user on their own decides to which PC to load value and provides information as requested as a condition of the Transfer completion.
The Platform and How We Work with Third Parties
  • Users processing payments in the Platform will be accessing the systems of third parties to load payment processing accounts. From the time youpayment begins processing with BallrTM, IT MAY TAKE UP TO THREE DAYS FROM OUR RECEIPT OF FUNDS BEFORE THE FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR WALLET. This delay is a function of the networks and financial institutions that work in batch processing, not real time. The Platform will do everything possible to speed the loading of Bitcoin to your wallet.
  • We will not provide any information on payments placed by the User to any third party not providing services to the Platform, unless required by a court order. BallrTM is not liable for the incomplete or invalid information communicated by the User to a third party. The Platform is in no way liable in terms of funds converted and cannot be summoned as a party in any disputes, criminal or civil judicial summons, also referred to as a Claim Form, that might arise in connection with processing activities.
  • The Platform does not satisfy any third party’s demands to limit User’s access to activity or other limitation of the User’s activity within the Platform. The only exception is claims we have as the Payment Platform.
Your Account
  • User Account can be terminated at User’s sole discretion with transfer of all their funds left on the account, unless the funds were obtained by theft or fraudulent actions towards any other User or BallrTM.